Shakti at Wild Acres
For the last two weeks, I have had the gift of an Artist Residency at Wild Acres. My project proposal involved combing through poetry of over forty years, much of it in paper files dating from before computers, in order to revise and sort my previously unpublished work into seven new thematic collections. I moved through
nearly 400 poems, sometimes halted by the necessary life review and the putting to rest of some past experiences. Overall, it has been an experience of my own wellspring
of energy, creativity, and vitality. Now that I am home, it occurs to me that this Shakti energy is not only at the core of my creative life; it’s at the core of building a new world!
Shakti, responsible for creation and the agent of all change, is the primordial cosmic energy and represents the dynamic forces that are thought to move through the entire universe in Hinduism. I invite all of us to explore Shakti, the abundant and ecstatic creativity that is available to every human being. I encourage everyone to pause, and find the wild acres within yourself, where you can let Shakti show you who you really are. The shifting world we live in truly requires the creativity of every single one of us.
Starting tomorrow, I will post one poem a day from my fresh work at Wild Acres. At the end of the week, I would love to get a feedback vote on which one spoke most to you and why.
Name and email please:) I don't spam.