Public Speaking Coach

Client Evaluations of Coaching

Annelinde Metzner, N.C. Poet and Composer who regularly performs her works for the public:
Susa Silvermarie has coached my presentations of spoken word poetry for several performances. Susa is not only a riveting performer herself, but when coaching others, she delivers a laser-sharp focus on helping to make your words the best they can be.  She has an inspired way of giving pointers on accentuation, stance, breath and energy, and she helped me to dive deeper into the work at hand, so as to understand shades of meaning I had not previously noticed. I came away with a clarification of my own goals in presenting the piece, and how to get there!

Leela Harlem, Enneagram Teacher and Coach:
It was Susa Silvermarie’s encouragement that brought the writer in me out of the closet. I attended her write-to-a prompt sessions and found my dry and rusty faucet opening. I slowly gained the desire and the courage to read a few poems to an audience. It takes courage for me to share my writing with anyone, so when I decided to do my first reading at an open mic, I was thrilled to find Susa Silvermarie as my Coach. She helped me keep the content and style that was mine, while probing me with questions that opened me to a more congruent expression. I learned about my own writing via her questions into the meaning under, around and through what I had written. Her innate wisdom as a deep listener, and her honed skill in reflecting back what she heard, made her feedback extraordinary, helping me to clarify my expression without ever truncating my flavor or candor. Through her coaching encouragement, I went from crawling to standing tall at a microphone and enjoying my delivery!

Having internalized her wise guidance, it is her listening and the form of her reflective questioning that I have continued to use to this day. She’s a great Coach, but if you ever get the chance to see her as a Speaker, she’ll have you jumping from the edge of your seat to an ovation— really!

Nancy Keller, Project Manager, Business Consultant:
Silvermarie is a writer and performer and a terrific public speaking Coach. For me, she changed what it looks like to present. Her creative exuberance and ability to elicit audience participation take presenting to a new level of interplay. I have witnessed how her inclusive way of animating her ideas brings an audience into collective cohesion. Her dynamic role modeling of presentation possibilities shows me how to move concepts from onstage right into the audience itself. I see her performance style as that of a portal, opening an unseen door to listeners and inviting new perception. Her whole-body enthusiasm demonstrates the wonder of a grown-up child. She has shown me how to approach difficult topics with equilibrium as well as insight. Yes, she is a terrific public speaking Coach, but I think she is also an activator of Life!