Nyepi Haikus

No talk on Nyepi.
When the tongue rests quietly,
the day will lengthen.

Painting a dancer,
I lift the limbs of my mind.
Day of silent art.

Staff has disappeared.
Tourists find out who we are
without their support.

Creating haiku
makes the novel of my life
condense to a poem.

On Nyepi even
my dreams are slow and wordless.
The day is a dream.

©Susa Silvermarie 2024

#Nyepi2024 or see my previous post explaining Balinese Nyepi Day

One Response to “Nyepi Haikus

  • Top notch! I am glad to know about Nyepi.
    Walking in green hills
    Deep in yellow mustard blooms.
    Peace for a moment.