Marvelous Particulars

photography by Susa Silvermarie

This morning the surface
is not disturbed.
Yet the water of the lake
rolls slow
in measured tremor.
So the sky,
white and blue on the water,
dawdles, also,
in drawn-out tremor.

I see,
it’s easy to see now,
how this life of mine
rolls, an unhurried
Emotions bright and dark,
shapes of work;
family and loves,
desires and creations:
all reflections in life’s lake.

I set the bell for meditation.
and close my eyes on the shore.
I know the Self
from whom I come.
I know the Self to whom I travel.
The rest, such wondrous elements,
decades of story details
in my own beloved drama.
The Self I am,
laughs from a core.

And the rest,
all delicate and laughing
What marvelous
This morning the surface
is not disturbed.
Yet the water of the lake
roll slow
in measured tremor.

©Susa Silvermarie 2022

2 Responses to “Marvelous Particulars

  • How wonderful to live in such a place. My fave line: the water of the lake/ rolls slow/ in measured tremor

  • Barb Ester
    2 years ago

    Beautiful life reflection Susa !