Malidoma on Water Libations

“… It reflects, flows, cleanses, purifies, cools, quenches, soothes, dissolves and crystallizes. It is these characteristics that imbue water with the power of reconciliation when it seems all hopes are lost. The water that washes away humanity’s attraction to rigidity and conflict waits for us to check in for a radical healing; for it has what it takes to restore the purity of being, the brightness of our genius and the flow most wanted for the human community.

Water is a way-finder in this world. Through receiving water’s teaching, we become fluid with appropriate responses to difficult problems. Water will dislodge us from where we are stuck and set us afloat toward fulfillment of our goals. Practices that utilize water’s primal powers help humanity gravitate towards the lessons we are seeking.

The pouring of libations is a graceful act that offers to heal to a world agitated by imbalance, violence and distortion.  It carries in it the signature of a heart overflowing with pure intention, a soul acknowledging the source of all life. A water libation is an active invitation to the world of Spirit!”

excerpt from Malidoma Somé

Thanks to my sweetheart Annelinde Metzner for Malidoma’s article on Water Year 2016

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