EARTH, View from her Mirador

photography by Susa Silvermarie
Shapes of earth
that rise and swell to guard me,
pour their presence forth.
As touch of sun is leaving them,
their wisdom falls upon my face.
So near, these rounded mountains
curl to rest at dusk.

Their greendark silhouette
etched against the twilight sky,
creates a curving road,
a cursive signature.
As light of day slowly draws away,
these mountains
enfold my village in their arms.

The sun now setting on the lake
shadows these soft green mountains.
In this brief moment, the one
between my birth and death,
when I am here, just here, like this,
the mountains hum without a word,
offering ancient company.

©Susa Silvermarie 2024

2 Responses to “EARTH, View from her Mirador

  • Jennie Orvino
    1 month ago

    Another winner, of course! You have such a connection to the world around you, in that fortunate spot where you now make your home.

    See if you can find a novel called The Wall by Marlen Haushofer, translated by Shaun Whiteside; I’ve never read anything like it and would be curious to hear your reaction. A blurb called it “a thrilling survival story, a Cold War-era dystopian adventure and a truly singular feminist classic.”

  • Barb Ester
    1 month ago

    The “brief moment” … loving beauty !

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