Call to My Cronies

Crony: from Greek khronios, ‘long-lasting’

I’m 75. And surprised!
I invite you to my wildness.
Are you old? Lucky you.
You can fling away that heavy overcoat
named shame.
I invite you to no answers.
Juicy comes from knowing nothing
and squeezing
for every hidden pleasure.

Wait for sureness?
Wait for wisdom?
A scam, a lie, a binding.
We and the earth need it now
Wait for nothing!
I invite you to wildness.
Kick off your shoes to dance
Laugh loud with your sister in the grocery aisle
Holler when you read the news
and then do your thing to help.

What you have always been is not
what you always need to be.
Are you old yet?
(Soon, don’t worry.)
I invite you to the wildness
that belongs to you.
Time to untame ourselves
and become the Crones,
women of power the world
so urgently requires.

with thanks to Robin Rose Bennett and the online Summit: Crones, Hags, and Elder Wise Women

©Susa Silvermarie 2022

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