Birthing the Light

On the Winter Solstice of 2016, I send to all my friends and family my deepest wishes for your soul growth and your complete Well-being. From the gentle shore of Lake Chapala in Mexico, I send out my gratitude to each of you for being gifts in my life. Interbeing is what Thich Nhat Hanh calls our connectedness. May we be heartened to remember our interbeing, and to recall that our stunning blue earth is a tiny home we share in the expanding cosmos.

The Winter Solstice is an ending and a beginning. Together now, let’s reach into the soul’s medicine bundle, down into the hidden womb pocket, and pull out the quantum seed, the essential speck that is both Dark and Light, both End and Beginning. It is in our hands. (Miriam Dyak in WeMoon 2017). On the longest night, we can make an offering that acknowledges the past and gives it away.   On the darkest night, we can envision what we intend, for ourselves and the world, in the new time that we ourselves are  birthing.

Birth, that miraculous process that must be a bloody chaotic mess to muddle through! I wish this, the birth of new consciousness, for all beings everywhere. Dar luz, the Spanish for giving birth, literally translates as to give light. Blessed Be, for as we give it, the Light is growing and expanding.


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