As No Other Blue

Let me come present,
here, where I’ve planted my body;
now, when I’m breathing
this breath.
Let me make room for the whole.
Let me encompass
whalesong and starsong.
Let me seat hope next to despair.
Let me give space
for grief to sit in the circle
with ecstasy.

Ice, blue as no other blue,
crashes into rising seas.
I belong to the species
that has blundered into bludgeoning
the family.
As the planet shrugs us off,
may we discover that
what it is that we have done
wakes us up to truesize.
The herenow hurts my heart.
But brings me to this kiss of presence.

©Susa Silvermarie 2021

One Response to “As No Other Blue

  • jean scott-honig
    2 years ago

    I love how your encompass all forms of Life in your poetry…inclusive in gratitude and depth.