Another Bend in the River

The meandering Peruvian Amazon

My life has taken another turn. Costa Rica was beautiful but I got sick and had to return before the TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language) course was over. Physical challenges (like the heat, and the walking distance to the school, and no stove in my “apartment”) combined with the demanding schedule to do me in. I didn’t feel like myself, and my electrolytes were likely way off. So I hauled myself home. Big disappointment, though a success in listening to my body about physical needs.

I have today received a sweet offer from Costa Rica inviting me to finish the TEFL course by skyping in on the next training, and having the Director  skype in on me teaching here. Looks like that will probably work out.

Life has taken me on lots of bends and even some hairpin turns in the last six months, but I am deeply grateful. Though I thought my time in Asheville was finished, the Blue Ridge Mountains and, a new start with an old love, have called me to stay after all. I have my balance back and I’m feeling rich with life in every way. Stay tuned!

back to balance

back to balance



4 Responses to “Another Bend in the River

  • Smiling big from Arcadia, Michigan

    • Susa Silvermarie
      10 years ago

      whatcha doin in Arcadia, girrlfriend? Let’s connect!

  • Well, dang! Just when I thought I might get to know you better!

    • Susa Silvermarie
      10 years ago

      I know, hey? I know I’m gonna get to Ahijic, I feel it in my bones– it’s just that my bones aren’t very accurate about the timing.

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