Unleash it Now

The turmoil of our times
dances round the globe—
stamping, frenzied!
Kali destroying,  Durga creating.
Let us cry and  whirl with them
in the storm that tosses tiny earth.
Let it turn us inside out
until protection disappears, until
we wear our hearts outside our shell.

Lightning flashes all around us,
but even as we shudder,
we shall be the rods that ground it.
As we mediate the thresholds
we return to earth ourselves.
Let us tether one another
while we shake and tremble,
while we become conductors.
transmitters of the Change.

Channeling the current now tempestuous
cannot be done without the body.
When we do not use our bodies
the vital dance is jammed into depression
or explodes into annihilation.
Unleash it now, the oldest form of worship.
Earth’s equilibrium demands
that we must dance the planet.
Bow and whirl, leap and dart!
Sway, gyrate, and quiver.

The turbulent upheaval
of these times that we were made for,
calls for us to meld the parts of self
until the fusion powers us like stars.
Thus we ride uncertainty and tumult.
Thus, we dance disorder into balance.

©Susa Silvermarie 2018

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