
Lake Chapala Amanecer
When I am so sure,
the world’s dazzling complexity
flattens. I, too, diminish.
Knowing an answer, I close.
Yes no, right wrong, either or:
no more. I proclaim it, yet
all of us engage, in this thinking
fundamentalist. Who, me?
My mind too, imputes
all meaning, makes absolutes
where there are none.
Wondering, oh, wondering
knows nothing surely,
opens me to any answer.
Unbolting my attitude,
arriving at ambiguity
brings abundant discomfort
and virgin views.
Holding paradox, I take a trip
to spaciousness unlabeled.
Revelations and disclosures!
My conveyance? All day long
eyebrows lifted, mouth
an old one’s O of wonder.
Who knew, before,
now celebrates not knowing.
©Susa Silvermarie December 2016
Great photos!
The lake looks so serene, so good for the heart and soul. Looks like a great place to live Susa. x