Why Do We Come Here

NASA photo of Pleiades

Pleiades by NASA

They come, the old women, ten for every guy. They come to Ajijic, all the solo old women, to form an energy constellation. They come, each for her own healing, and each to synergize the lake matrix for planetary healing. They come to receive the lake’s infusion of grace and power, to magnify it for the earth’s healing. They come, forming an invisible base in the ether over the waters. They come to this healing place because they heard La Diosa del Lago calling them. They come to this place, because before they came to earth, they committed to join together here when they were finally old and wise enough to make a difference. They come to save themselves, they come to save the planet.

photography by Susa Silvermarie

Ajijic photo by Susa

This is my current response to the question my friend Joyce has been asking, about why so many women settle here on the shores of Lake Chapala. I found myself bored with the usual answers, which are true for me as well, (finances, culture, and climate combined with female longevity), so I let my muse tell me something deeper.

photography by Susa Silvermarie

Ajijic Sunset photo by susa

2 Responses to “Why Do We Come Here

  • You said it so beautifully! And, I love the thought that we are here to heal and be healed.

  • Joyce E Norton
    8 years ago

    Most interesting Susa and maybe the ‘extranjeras’ feel it without knowing what it is that attracts them.

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