Vincent’s Seeds of Inspiration

Enjoy these inspiring quotes from the writings of Vincent Van Gogh, which I copied and translated from the Van Gogh exhibit.

El éxito es a veces resultado de toda una serie de fracaso.
Success is sometimes the result of a whole series of failures.

He puesto mi corazon y mi alma en la obra, y he perdido la cabeza en el proceso.
I have put my heart and soul in the work, and I have lost my head in the process.

No sé nada con certeza, pero ver las estrellas, me hace soñar.
I don’t know anything for sure, but looking at the stars makes me dream.

Sueño con pintar y luego pinto mi sueño.
I dream of painting, and then I paint what I dream.

Si realmente amas la naturaleza, encontrará la belleza en todos lados.
If you really love the natural world, you will find beauty everywhere.

Qué sería de la vida si no tuvieramos el coraje de intentar nada.
What would life be, if we didn’t have the courage to try anything!

Es bueno amar tanto como se pueda, porque ahí radíca la verdadera fuerza. Y él que mucho ama, realiza grandes cosas, y se siente capaz, y lo que se hace por amor, está bien hecho.
It’s good to love as much as you can, because that is where ttrue strength is established. And she who loves much accomplishes great things and feels capable;and that which is done for love is well done.

Si eschuchas una voz dentro de ti que te dice, no puedes pintar entonces por todos los medios, pinta, y esa voz se callará.
If you listen to the voice within that says, you can’t paint, and then you paint anyway, that voice will quiet.

Debes comenzar por experimentar lo que quieres expresar. Los grandes cosas no se hacen por impulso, sino por una seria de pequeñas cosas reunidas.
You should begin by trying to express that which you want to express. The great things are not made by impulse, but through a series of small things put together.

Making sketches (notes!) is to paint seeds from which paintings (poems!) will grow.

One Response to “Vincent’s Seeds of Inspiration

  • Loretta downs
    3 years ago

    He loved those truths. Thank you for renting me.

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