Turtle Mind

photograph by Susa Silvermarie

I met you when you hatched,
no bigger than my thumb
at the protected sanctuary.
I was glad to feed you,
clean your tank and brush your shell.
I felt as vulnerable as you,
away from home,
in need, as all beings are.

You showed me Turtle Mind,
a blind and silent seeing
a whole-cloth way to tune attention,
that when I ask for it,
dives beneath all thoughts
and takes me to an ocean depth of peace.

Where are you now, my turtle friend?
We released you on that beach.
I watched you crawl, and finally swim
first time into ocean waves.
I go to Turtle Mind to find you.
Tonight I feel you sleeping
somewhere in the rocking sea.
Have you gotten to the Gulf Stream highway?
I hope you’ve found good feeding grounds.

You have been my Teacher.
Somehow you transmitted
your blank-of-thought and brimmed-with-knowing
way of trusting in the world.
Now I only think of you to go there,
to that place beneath the waves.
Turtle friend I send you
all my thanks and love.

©Susa Silvermarie 2024

One Response to “Turtle Mind

  • Ro Hanus
    12 months ago

    Such a n honorable and transformative encounter! You are so fortunate to have met such a daring creature! Still, you’re pretty adventurous yrself there, Missy!

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