The Best Seat on the Beach


When the rains came down,
I had a front row seat.
While I watched, agog,
from under a beach palapa,
the skyboys beat their drums,
hurled their spears of light,
and the ocean roiled with joy.

The drought broke,
clouds let down
their pounding waters,
and I let loose
a laugh of giddy release.
Soon I was soaked in healing
and accepted the invitation.

The show went on and on,
and the applause! All volatile,
all dizzy with excitement.
The swimmers ran for shelter,
the sand danced with drops,
the fish leaped, the palms
bent in crazy yoga postures.

When the rains came down last night,
the pressure of heat abated,
and cords of tension snapped.
The air, the lovely air,
actually chilled. And I
was blessedly granted
the best seat on the beach.

©Susa Silvermarie 2015


7 Responses to “The Best Seat on the Beach

  • Annelinde
    10 years ago

    Vivid and fabulous! I can feel it.

    • Susa Silvermarie
      10 years ago

      ah, there is nothing like praise from another POET!

  • Patti DeMark Knower
    10 years ago

    Hi Susa! I am back in touch and love to read your poetry. I have been sharing your “Tales From My Teachers” with people too.

    • Susa Silvermarie
      10 years ago

      Patti, I’m so delighted to be back in touch with YOU! thanks for sharing Tales too, that means a lot. People need to hear the real A.D stories.

  • Gave me goosebumps. I love it! I can feel it and imagine it! So lovely to meet you Susa, we will miss you here, but wish you nothing but the best! xo

    • Susa Silvermarie
      10 years ago

      Jessica! glad you enjoyed it and thanks for yr support!

  • carolynn
    10 years ago

    WOW!! Susa once again you stirred my soul! it was like I could hear and feel the rain and wind. Awsome 🙂

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