Onceness of it All

Thank you, giants in the twilight.
Through the windows of your branching
I can glimpse the dusky mountains.
Your four-story trunks
stand shaggy and strong,
stately as matriarchs.

Your five green crowns create
a single piney silhouette
against the violet clouds,
a profile in the shape of a crone
and she’s laughing in glee
at the lavender sky.

A clarin jilguero within your foliage
gives end-of-day thanks
for one more earthy circuit.
I can almost understand
the poem the clarin makes
with its ringing syllables.

I came here to play,
the bird is telling me.
And play, the clarin goes on,
that’s another word for change–
for the Onceness of it all.

©Susa Silvermarie 2022

One Response to “Onceness of it All

  • Roberta Jean Dorothy Hanuschkova
    3 years ago

    That little Clarin is so strong and full of Life! Look at those big eyes on such a small body; eyes as big as her feet! The better to see you with, to sing you with, whatever your vantage point might be.

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