New Bearings

Upside down and all around.
Orientation fades,
time to see from my feet,
and let my brain
rest on Gaia, rest;
touching ground, the chakra of my crown,
dislodges everything not needed.

Upside down and all around.
My heart flows into throat,
so my song is round and whole
so my living
spills forth green and singing,
so I greet my plant and tree friends,
eye to eye.

Upside down and all around
Plum tree I can kiss your roots.
Marigolds your oranges and your yellows
smudge my nose. And here crawls near
a bright-striped caterpillar
on her way to her butterfly birthday.
Happy changing to us all.

Upside down and all around
Weaving through my feet, the birds
tickle me with their wings.
Who am I now,
walking on clouds like a new creature,
This alignment with the sky
inducts me into every bearing.

©Susa Silvermarie 2024

One Response to “New Bearings

  • Loretta
    1 month ago

    Lovely! I have not received anything from you for awhile. It was a treat to read this. You made me ask, who am I now? too.

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