My Friends Are Leaving Earth
Last of the light,
I saw it leave just now,
as does everything.
I watched
its seamless steps of going,
the dance of slow withdraw.
And how I want, already,
want it back, that light!
Always a gift is leaving,
always a gift arriving.
The message, always,
one of silent change.
Last of the green
is leaving, oh green
of the Sierra Madre at our back.
Goodbye again,
until the rains return.
I shall grieve and remember
your radiance of life.
Always a gift is leaving,
always a gift arriving.
the message, always,
one of silent change.
Night is covering my tears,
The mountains,
brown and beautiful,
still care for me.
My friends are leaving earth.
I offer my sadness back
to the light, to the green, to what is gone.
©Susa Silvermarie 2021
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