Let’s Go
On the New Moon eve of my emigration from the US/immigration to Mexico, I share these astrological notes from Patricia Liles ([email protected]).
November 29 New Moon:” …Use Sagittarius’ medicine of optimistic and positive attitude to open up to the delight of the new, different, and foreign… This is when we take the accelerated elevator to more awakened consciousness on the planet.”
I invite you as seekers, travelers and global citizens ,to get on that elevator with me. Let’s go!

Ocracoke NC
Bon voyage. Blessings and balance. Love abides.
Happy Trails my Friend! What an adventure you are embarking on. I can’t wait to hear more as you settle in Mexico.
Blessings and Peace, Pauline
May this be the beginning of your new higher self. What an adventure you are embarking on. Look forward to hearing of your fantastic revelations as time goes on. Love and light be with you.
Hi Susa. Been thinking about you lots these last few days. Bon voyage my friend and make it good. Think I will be joining you for a holiday (maybe with Vicki too) in the summer, by then you will be well settled.
Love and kindest thoughts, your pod member Joy xx
Dear Susa… may your new home enrich your life! Enjoy and trust!
Barb Ester
Mre t u at the top!