Irish Blessing
A Gaelic blessing as taught me by Rita Quinn Conway, sainted mother of my friend Patsy.
Slainte go saol agat,
Bean ar do mhian agat.
Talamh gan chíos agat!
Health all your life,
A woman to your liking,
Land without rent,
And more of it!
(rough phonetics to pronounce the Gaelic:
Slancha ga sheil agat,
Ban ir da vian agat,
Toluv gan kis agat,
Mahuncha Ma!
Thank you, Rita Quin. On a day of celebrating my own quarter Irish ancestry, I wish for every single native earthling of us,
the full spectrum of life’s spectacular poetry!
You’re funny…and very cute
I am late with this note…thank you for the Gaelic blessing.
Love, Patrick