Immigration Anniversary

America, all of it
I’m coming up on a year as an immigrant to Mexico. A full year drinking in the beauty and the kindness, the colors and the unhurried ways. Reveling in the sacred lake and her white pelicans. Walking out my door for all my daily needs, using my own body for transportation. A year of absorbing the common cultural courtesies of greeting passersby on the cobblestone streets, of making friends with other immigrants and with my Mexican neighbors.
At the one-year anniversary of emigrating from my original culture, I notice that I have breathed into my days a new and gentler rhythm. I have seen myself change. I no longer live so much ahead of myself, only planning a few days at a time. I make plans with friends spontaneously, more often in person on the street than on the phone. Then, instead of counting on things happening as scheduled, I count only on something wonderful happening– whether it’s the thing I expected or a surprising something else. I am becoming more patient with myself and others. As I immerse in a culture of patience and affection and acceptance, I find myself growing in compassion.
I am immensely grateful to live in Mexico, where the values and expectations are ones with which I have wanted to align myself. Mexico has been my Teacher and her lessons have changed me. Her challenges have morphed into opportunities. Her humility and authenticity has chastened my sense of entitlement. Living outside of my native country for this past year has lifted and widened my perspective. As an immigrant, I have become more a global citizen than a resident of a single place. Even while my days are simpler, my concerns reach further in the world.
I sum it up for myself in the word, presente, translated variously as real, actual, true, or present. To me, it signifies an integration within myself. Mexico has put me present. Present for my interactions with others, present for my own emotions and experiences, present in my daily activities. As es. Doy gracias!

Above Ajijic
Beautiful and yo también!
You look and sound very happy. I am so pleased for you. The Intenders send love and positive intentions in all your endeavors xox Gayle
I love your referring to yourself as an immigrant. So many of us call ourselves expats, which is a ‘nicer’ word than immigrant. Because we come from Los Estados Unidos doesn’t mean we are in any way superior, entitled or more privileged than any other person who leaves one country and settles in another. I’m so glad you have found a good home in Ajijic. I remember your having doubts and many questions before you came. I knew it would be alright, and I don’t remember trying to convince you of that, but I felt it. Cant’ wait to return!
Felicitaciones! Bien hecho.
Fabulous fabulous. What you have achieved, how you write about it, everything. This can only happen when you have a positive open mind. Lovely pic too. Asi es, verdad. Disfrutalo y ayuda cuando puedas.
This is so wonderful for you ! Blessings for more insights and peace of mind… thank you for sharing Susa !
Has it really been a year since you left?!! I’m so glad it’s working out so beautifully for you! It’s wonderful to see you blossoming, and I love your writing.
I know what you mean about feeling like a global citizen. Even though I’ve been living in the US for the past five years now (!!), I still feel like that. Living in other countries & sharing other cultures has enriched me enormously. I wish everybody in the US could do it for a while, and then maybe we could get rid of this crazy hyper-nationalism.