I’ll Take My Place
Oh Quantum Mother of all,
First Dreamer of the wondrous multiverse,
Grand Mother of infinite arms –
thank you, thank you for my physical life
as a tiny spinning earthling.
Quantum Mother Dreamer
teach me how to stay, today,
lucid and soft, shining your love,
living from my largest heart;
to attend with presence the here and the now.
And in a little while,
when my body’s only bones
I’ll rest whole again
in your grand expansive arms,
laughing at my earthy antics.
In gratitude I’ll take my place
as ancestor and helping spirit,
ready to share my spiky wisdom
with every descendant and heir to my poems
with progeny of heart and soul.
©Susa Silvermarie 2022
With divine gratitude
Wishing you a year filled with abundance and divine joy
And so be it! I join in “divine Gratitude “
Best wishes SUSA ….and many blessings for 2023!