Full Circle

The friend who took the photo that became my book cover, today received his copy of Poems for Flourishing. I met Gregory in Acquaviva delle Fonti in Italy, where my Italian grandmother was born. The imprint of the day in the spring of 2019 when we walked into the countryside outside of Acquaviva, the exuberance of that Italian day in the wildflowers, grew into the energy of Poems for Flourishing.

Today when Gregory sent the photo of his receiving the book (via Amazon Italy!), he said he “was especially moved by the Ancestral Healing poem from your visit to Acquaviva delle Fonti.” And how grateful I feel for such a profound sense of full-circle satisfaction.

2 Responses to “Full Circle

  • Linda Sartori
    5 years ago

    Yes, full circle, Susa!
    And on our sister Ceil’s earth birthday!

  • Pat Christy
    5 years ago

    I love your poems, and LOVE when you create videos
    with you reading them. Will definitely buy your book!
    Pat Christy

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