Four February Poems
February honors the turning of the sun year’s Wheel toward the light of Spring. The fire festival of Candlemas is also known as Imbolc, which translates as in the belly, or, ewe’s milk, for the time of lambing. Through ceremony with Trish Cameron, I have revitalized my commitment to my creative work, praying that the instrument of my Being make beautiful word music in the world. May this time of initiation brighten you! And may you illumine your own corner of the world.
In honor of February’s new light, I gift you with four challenging poems of mine, a series that emerged during ceremony weekends with Trish. Let these poems sound in your heart.
If you want a written copy, let me know in a Comment. (And if you wish to receive email notice of new posts from me, please click “Subscribe”at the bottom of the sidebar on the right.)
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Hi Susa, I would like a copy of the four poems