
Knowing you are a member of the earth gives you an endless power that is part of the creative universe, a power that allows you never to be exhausted. Vandana Shiva

What is Enough. My question
on a card I marked and kept
on my kitchen table for years.
A response arrives
this 75th year of my life.

When I stand up
as a member of the Living Earth,
I am ongoing
into the abundance of belonging,
and it is enough.
When you stand up
on behalf of all Beings
as a member of the Living Earth.
your belonging becomes

means union without end, kinship
that cannot be dismantled.
What is needed. Everything

You are an indigenous earthling
attached from the start
to the whirling planethome.
You are a migrant,
crawling like a child along her body
Rest when you are weary,
then let your restless skin
move you on.
You and every
seeking creature.

Let your animal nature
comfort and gladden you.
With all your kin, stand
as member of the Living Earth.
Oh yes, It is enough.

©Susa Silvermarie 2022



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