Counting of (Friend) Blessings

20160623_151306On my recent visit to my homeplace, I experienced our human power to bless, heal, and renew one another. I lived in many different places in Milwaukee WI, so when I use the Southern expression, homeplace, I am referring to the city itself. What made my visit so nourishing, as if it were food my body craved? Being accepted and cared about. Ease. Trust. Familiar faces saying, I know you. Friends who were excited to spend time with me. Feeling welcomed wholeheartedly. Being treated with generosity. Feeling valued. It was a visit that gave me a sense of connection with family, family of choice.20160624_112454

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I drove from Asheville NC and my son flew in from NYC. We hung out together, with old friends of his I remember, and with old friends of mine who knew my son when he was a boy. Everywhere we went, we were warmly embraced. I got to float in the luscious cold of dear Lake Michigan’s blue bowl, twice! I organized an impromtu Poetry Salon one evening, and got to share from the heart with writer friends. The whole week was a Counting of friend Blessings. These are the beings who are part of me. Because of old friends (and among them I include my sister, my son, and Lake Michigan), I re-member myself. Because of them, I see myself reflected whole. 20160624_185626

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3 Responses to “Counting of (Friend) Blessings

  • Pauline
    9 years ago

    Dear Sue,

    How wonderful that you came home to Milwaukee and such nourishing, enriching connections with family and friends. I was there in spirit.

    Love and hugs,


    • Susa Silvermarie
      9 years ago

      thanks so much Pauline. Yes, you were there in spirit! love and hugs back to you, dear friend.

  • Jennie Orvino
    9 years ago

    Thanks for the blog on Milwaukee. So long since I’ve been back! You, David, Andi all recognizable, and was that Martha Spencer in one photo? Thanks for sharing about the homeplace. I’m in touch with Harvey Taylor regularly.

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