Celestial Intentions
I recently read about how the stars and planets are formed by nebulae spiraling inward. Swirling clouds of gas and dust continue to coalesce, or spiral inward, into new stars, planets, and galaxies. At the same time, galaxies are rushing away from each other at thousands of miles per second, and the universe is expanding at an ever-accelerating rate! How I enjoy the stretch of thinking about the inward spiraling and the outward expansion both going on at once.
The magnificence of inward energetic motion and outward energetic motion makes intuitive sense to me. Each week when I meet on a cyber hangout with my Intenders group, I intend that we earthlings turn inward, each of us making full use of our whole beings in the service of love. At the same time, I am intending that we turn outward, to create a home planet free of national borders, and a human family free of limits to compassion and imagination,
a world where people everywhere live in beauty and in kindness. Are you with me?
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