Birthday Week with Dolphins

photo by Atmoji








It’s my 69th birthday and I’m on the Wildquest catamaran, eager to motor out of the Bimini lagoon into the open seas where dolphins play. The Wildquest program is a group retreat/wilderness experience, designed to re-connect us with ourselves, each other and the dolphins, in a loving supportive environment, and oh, did it ever! From their website, with my personal 100% endorsement:What’s not to love about letting go of all your cares as you cruise the world’s clearest, bluest waters in nature that is beauty to behold: A wilderness play ground to meet and have fun, hanging out with the ocean’s smartest, most sociable animals. Enjoy the following poem of mine that emerged from the experience.

Never before have I breathed
in a human pod of happiness.
My mind gets out of the way.
I learn to be a conscious breather,
to expel old air, fill more lung,
have all of my energy on hand.Flying in the wind on the sea,
is the only thing there is.
Wanting nothing else
expands me into ecstasy,
my life a practice of breath.

Held in the salty sea,
I am suspended; weightless;
secure in a water world, surprised
to breathe through my mouth like them.
And then they are beneath me,
these Beings of the sea,
teaching me how to Play.

I feel the changing of my cells
pulsing life at a new vibration.
I give the ocean all my befores,
which fall away like the dream they were.

Free of gravity and past, I float,
sloughed of the worries about what is not here.
On the sea, I arrive at a time
that has never been before,
and will never come again.
I am a wave! I am a particle!
I’m a Being in the field of Play.

©Susa Silvermarie 2016

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All photos by Atmo Kubesa, Wildquest Director/Captain. Next post will feature his dolphin photos, as soon as I can figure out how to  upload them!

6 Responses to “Birthday Week with Dolphins

  • Wow, what an amazing experience and one I pray I can do one day. I’m so happy for you that you did this for your birthday celebration. Happy birthday week!

  • What a fabulous experience. How did you attract that into your life? Great poem. Happy Birthday to an amazing lady !

  • Dear Susa, your poem is so beautiful!! Love from one of your pod-members, Evie

    • Susa Silvermarie
      8 years ago

      Evie! Love right back atcha!!!! and your dear bro too!

  • Pauline
    8 years ago

    Dear Susa, what.a wonderful way to celebrate your birthday I love your poem

  • Brother Steve
    8 years ago

    Hi Susa, must have been a wonderful experience !! Good for you.

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