I have had a request to give a reading of the poem I posted yesterday, so here it is. By the way, in the photo is my great aunt, Ada dal Vago Lombardi, musician extraordinaire.
Who Will Board the Silver Boat, Poems for Evolving 2024
Poems for Flourishing booklaunch 2021
Testimonials Your poetry is a balm, a reminder to bring me back to my spiritual center, to my real Self. Lynn, Durham NC. Your images burn into my mind, settle in me like a kiss or a dark chocolate. Rand Hall, Alabama. Poems for Flourishing is exactly what we all need right now, a connection to the whole, from the smallest things we see in nature to galaxies! Pat Christy, North Carolina author. Brilliant. I love your fearless writing! Jaes Seis, Shamanic Healing Practitioner. Read more…
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