AIR Her Workings

Tai Chi on the Ajijic Malecon

Oh Air, fire requires you!
And water, too, to whip her waves
Earth needs the room you make
for seeds to push. And I, oh air,
cannot live without you.
How freely you give yourself
and yet stay self-contained.

Nomadic, your home
the whole planet.
Inconspicuous, your modesty
cloaks your power.
How agreeable you seem,
until you aren’t,
until you howl and storm.

You have cushioned my skin
since the day I came.
Today you take a friend of mine,
gently lifting her
from the form of her physical body.
You spirit her away from earth, from us,
in the smoke of her transformation.

This boon you soon will do for me.
I am learning
how to live my daydreams
floating easy in your holy breath.
I have loved you in my nightdreams
when you carry me in flight.
I, oh air, am one of your own.

Air, you make the palm fronds
sway slow as sex, dripping sunset
from their green-gold tinsel.
Thank you for bringing the scent
of roses, of jasmine, of lilac;
of myrrh and amber and pine.

Thank you, air, for bearing clouds aloft,
for allowing butterflies to flutter.
Thank you for your gentle wafts,
and for your rushing roars.
Thank you, dear invisible one,
for showing me your workings.

©Susa Silvermarie 2024

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