
photo by Susa Silvermarie

Content on my bench
in Lecce’s Parco Belloluogo,
I tipped back my head–
but leapt to my feet on seeing
an array of jeweled figs
ripening in morning sun.
Cousins! I called out in joy.

Modest they stayed, and mute,
but in that moment I knew
their pour of ancestor nurture.
The richness of relation
gave comfort to this traveller’s heart,
and into the soles of my feet, the roots
sent tender family kisses.

©Susa Silvermarie 2019

More morning photos:

photography by Susa Silvermarie  






4 Responses to “Ripening

  • Interesting your title, Ripening, and I was thinking that those strawberries were given time to ripen on the vine.

  • Patrice
    5 years ago

    Dad liked figs…they were in that cupboard to the left of the stove.

    5 years ago

    beautiful. where are you? What’s your schedule?

  • Christina
    5 years ago
