Pledge of Allegiance to the Earth
It’s Earth Day! Please stand and join me in reciting the Pledge of Allegiance to the Earth.
I pledge allegiance to the earth
and to the flora fauna and human life
that it supports,
one planet indivisible
with safe air, water and soil,
economic justice,
equal rights,
and peace for all.
From the Women’ s Environment and Development Organization of the Women’ s Foreign Policy Council
And now let’s sing!
Amazing Grace, how sweet the earth,
the dirt between my toes,
the sun pours down upon my crown,
the mighty river flows.
Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound
of bird song in the trees,
the air is dense with fragrant scents
soft floating on the breeze.
Amazing Grace the ocean swells,
the waves break on the shore,
the moonlight rides upon the tides,
oh, who could ask for more.
Now we’ve been here four million years
sustained at her sweet breast,
let’s sing her praise for all our days,
then in her womb we’ll rest.
-lyrics copyright by Elizabeth Cunningham, 1995. For permission to reprint, contact EC through her website.)
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