Astonishing Pertinence

In 1953 Rachel Carson wrote this letter letter to the editor of the Washington Post, which was picked up by the wire of the Associated Press, syndicated widely across the country, and reprinted in Reader’s Digest — the era’s equivalent of going wildly viral:

“The real wealth of the Nation lies in the resources of the earth — soil, water, forests, minerals, and wildlife. To utilize them for present needs while insuring their preservation for future generations requires a delicately balanced and continuing program, based on the most extensive research. Their administration is not properly, and cannot be, a matter of politics.
By long tradition, the agencies responsible for these resources have been directed by men of professional stature and experience, who have understood, respected, and been guided by the findings of their scientists…
For many years public-spirited citizens throughout the country have been working for the conservation of the natural resources, realizing their vital importance to the Nation. Apparently their hard-won progress is to be wiped out, as a politically minded Administration returns us to the dark ages of unrestrained exploitation and destruction…”

She wrote this after Eisenhower took office, when the Republican administration swiftly began instituting policies that effected the destruction of nature in the name of business. We have been here before. Another world is possible,  a world of justice, freedom, ecological balance and true abundance. We will make it real. (with thanks to [email protected])

One Response to “Astonishing Pertinence

  • Thanks so much, Susa. I have stopped trying to convince my friends who are almost pathological fearful of what is happening in government these days. They don’t want to hear encouragement, but continue to wallow in their grief and confusion. Yes, we’ve been here before and we survived. I will hold to that.