Law of Becoming

photography by Susa Silvermarie(with thanks to Frank Ostaseski’s Five Invitations)

Soon dead,
says the elephant in the room.
Change is now,
name it so.
Let go the fight,
step into step
with death.
We arrive, always,
at her door.
Don’t wait, everything counts.
Nothing solid, nothing fixed,
rejoice! In becoming.
Greater self, spirit self, best self:
Come forward, show yourself!

Nothing holds us back
from contentment,
when we choose it
from our wellspring of daring.
We take refuge
in becoming,
and the benevolence
called impermanence,
unfolds, unfurls, unrolls
in this human life,
in  death.
unwraps the shine
of our becoming.

©Susa Silvermarie 2018photography by Susa Silvermarie


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