Grow Up Quick as Crocus

Our vision of humanity has shrunk,
from countless ho-hum others
to a single kinship group.
With dropped jaws we watch
while our worldview turns on a dime.
Up we must grow, quick as crocus.

The world is made of stories
and today we start a new one,
a beginning,
that could turn
into anything.
What, what could it look like?
A story of repair?
A story of plenty?
Up we must grow, quick as crocus.

As the tree is the forest, we
are the planet,
Now we finally sense
our mycorrhyzal network
underneath apparent isolation.
It’s springtime cleansing for the world.
Up we must grow to wisdom,
quick, quick as crocus.

©Susa Silvermarie 2020

with thanks for inspiration from Oak Chezar and We’Moon 2020

2 Responses to “Grow Up Quick as Crocus

  • barbara denton
    4 years ago

    how lovely!

  • Dear Susa,
    A deep bow of Thanks for the images and the experience your poem invokes. Publish it somewhere (immediately)!????