Entering the Fire of Love

Mary Oliver’s poem, Sunrise, seems fitting for this time of the stirrings of new life. I share also, her poem Spring, because in February we celebrate Love, and to me one of its most hopeful forms is the animal joy evoked by the lengthening sunlight.

February 2 honors the turning of the sun year’s Wheel to the halfway point between Winter Solstice and Spring Equinox. The fire festival of Candlemas is also known as Holy Bridget’s Day, and as Imbolc, which translates variously as in the belly or ewe’s milk, for the time of lambing.

On that day this year, I made merry with five sisters around a ceremonial fire, and we used the inspiration of the flames to transform and pray for the world, each of us in our own way renewing our passionate love of this life. I revitalized my commitment to my creative work, praying that the instrument of my Being make beautiful word music in the world!

May this time of initiation brighten you, also, and may you illumine your corner of the world.

2 Responses to “Entering the Fire of Love

  • Yes- there is only one question. How to love the world.

  • Nancy McCorkle
    10 years ago

    I love Mary Oliver and you did a great job reading her poems. Do you know the one
    Children, It’s Spring. You wouldn’t know it here in Asheville.