Dance of World Healing

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Temple Music from Tibet

at the Lake Eden Arts Festival 2014

The melded voices of the monks

plumb the very ocean.

Sacred Dance of World Healing,

they name their prayer.

The forces of goodness

float on their notes

calling deepest creatures forth,

calling my own depths.

They pray for our planet this way;

this way, dancing.


While auspicious incense

is fanned to ten directions

by golden-robes slowly dancing,

one monk holds a dagger,

his right hand purifying.

His left displays,

with black cloth of woman,

mortality, invoking peace,

invoking harmony,

calling out the invitation

for creative living.


This is when my sweetheart

whispers in my ear what she has learned:

Boku Haram

is giving up the abducted girls,

the Lost Girls of Nigeria.

I groan relief. Great Mother!

You hear these voices lift to you,

care for you, cry for you!

You hear these monks

atone for their brothers.

The smiling golden-robes are saving

the men of Boku Haram.

©Susa Silvermarie 2014


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